Don’t be easy to understand; be impossible to misunderstand. That’s words from my friend Steve Sims, and boy, wise words those are. And it talks about taking things out of context. So many people can misconstrue. How many times have you ever sent an email or a text and somebody read it through their lens and had a different interpretation of what you actually meant? And that happened to me recently. I had somebody who thought they were going to use my last name as a joke, like “be Fulking awesome” online, and when they tagged me in the post, the way that it read, the way I read it and everybody else read it, it was very detrimental and negative to me. But they thought it was hilarious because they were trying to convey a different message. So take time to reread it. If you’re not crystal clear that it’s going to make sense to them, have somebody else read it. But in the wise words of my friend Steve Sims, don’t be easy to understand; be impossible to misunderstand. Have a great day.